Seriously, really?? This is our closer?? If you haven't been following the Sox for the past month, then I don't want to know you. But seriously, check here, here, and here if you've been slacking. Some quality stuff.
Really, based on appearance and actions, I'd feel much more comfortable with Rainman hooking up with my girl than relying on this dude with my World Series on the line. I mean seriously, we know this guy has some sort of mental issues at this point right?? I mean, hey, whatever you need to come out stone cold and blaze 96 past dudes. You finish this off in the Mile High atmosphere and you have a free pass for life.
And did I mention that the Sawx are 2-0 after absolutely owning the Rox through 2 games?? The most important thing? The bullpen has used four guys through six innings in 2 home games. That's HUGE heading into the thin Denver air for this weekend. Timlin=1 IP, Pap=1.1 IP, Okie=2.1 IP (Not available until Sunday), Gagne=1 IP (his body of work for the entire WS I hope). That's it, Okie is the only guy that was stretched, and that was to win game two going away. They needed him to come through and he did. Take that 2.5 million right now Ok, you've earned it.
As for the other Japenese import, he's on board for Game 3 and can effectively wrap this series up on Saturday. So Dice, it's time for YOU to earn your contract...
'as for the other japanais import...'hahaha nice :D go sox!
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Я 1,5 месяца искала работу. Менеджером по продажам. И взяла в толк, что работодатели делятся на 2 категории: те, кому нужны работники все они, кому не нужны, но есть служба персонала, которая обязана работать (надо же им выплачивать зарплату). И вот вторые организуют собеседования, ища менеджера по продажам с Большой буквы, коие придет и просто увеличит продажи вдвое, а потом втрое, а потом и вдесятеро. Я уже нашла работу, работаю давно, заглядываю на hh.ru, а они все ищут мифического работника...Менеджеры по персоналу, я права?
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