Wednesday, March 4

Sign up for C.A.C. Basketball Spring 09 Season!!

For those that haven't gotten the message yet, the deadline to sign-up for the Spring leagues is just a couple months away! As always, every league is going to fill up ahead of time, so don't wait to sign yours up!!
If you've got any questions, you know what to do.

If you want to sign up online, here's the link!

Leagues Played in Charlestown (5-5 Play - info below)
* Charlestown (A) Level games played Tuesdays/Thursday nights @ Charlestown High School or Charlestown Boys & Girls Club
* Charlestown (B) Level games played Wednesday/Thursday nights @ Charlestown HS, Kennedy Longfellow School or Harvard/Kent School
* Corporate (C ) Level games played on Monday nights @ Charlestown High School, Kennedy Longfellow School or King School
* Women's 5-5: Wednesday nights @ King School

Spring 2009 Charlestown (A) League: Tuesday/Thursday nights (Team Entry Only) - Starts May 12th/14th

C.A.C. Basketball is the most organized, well run, and unique collection of recreational basketball leagues in the Boston area. The Charlestown (A) league is a 5-5 full court league that is played on a regulation court (92 feet) at locations throughout Charlestown and Cambridge. Please note that this season the East is going to play on Tuesday nights and the West on Thursday nights.
This is the top level league that C.A.C. basketball runs. Make no mistake about it - this league is STACKED. Each team has 2-3 former college players and the rest of the players on each team are (A) level players. There's a lot of talent and a lot of height in this league. The age range in this league is 22 - 40 with the average player age of 30. This league is VERY competitive with two (2) referees, scoreboards, complete stats, write-ups of games, interviews, message boards, jerseys, awards, trophies, and more. All players are welcome to join as many leagues as they wish - play in this league with a team, and also put yourself in the (A1) league @ C.A.C.!

* Where: Charlestown High School, Charlestown Boys and Girls Club,the Harvard/Kent School, or Kennedy Longfellow School (for map & directions go to
* Game Nights: You team will play once per week: on TUESDAY or THURSDAY nights.
* Times: 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM
* 1st game: May 12th/14th
* # of Games: 10, plus playoffs
* Teams: 12-18 (Max 9 per division)
* # of players per team: 8-10 players per team
* Playoffs: Quarterfinals August 4th/6th, Semifinals August 11th/13th, Finals August 18th/20th
* Price: $1,200 per team - ALL league fees are due by the first week of the season
* Sign-up Info: Deadline is Monday, May 4th by 5:00 PM
* Sign-up options: Sign up your team by filling out the entry form at, or contact Jason Tibbetts (info below) by May 4th
* Any Questions contact Jason Tibbetts: (617) 491-8989 or: E-Mail

Spring 2009 Charlestown (B) League: Wednesday/Thursday nights (Individual or Team Entry) - Starts May 13th/14th

This League is heading into its 4th season and the level of play is continuing to improve! The "B" playing level at C.A.C. basketball is by far the most popular level. We have had a ton of interest from B1 & B2 players/teams wanting to play in a full court 5-5 league, like the 5-5 (A) league we run at the Charlestown. So, we have listened to the people and have created a 5-5 (B) league! It has gotten big enough that we have had to split the league into two divisons. The East will play on Wednesday nights and the West on Thursday nights.
The Charlestown (B) league is a 5-5 full court league that is played on a regulation court (92 feet) at Charlestown High School, Kennedy Longfellow School or the Harvard/Kent School. In terms of competitive level this league will play like a mix of A1/B1/B2. The type of player in the (B) leagues is a pretty decent player who plays organized basketball regularly. This (B) level is the average player level, which is why it is the most popular level. This league is competitive with two (2) referees, scoreboards, complete stats, write-ups of games, interviews, message boards, jerseys, awards, trophies, and more. All players are welcome to join as many leagues as they wish - play in this league with a team, and also put yourself/your team in the B1 or B2 leagues @ C.A.C.! This league will fill up very quickly so make sure you sign up your team ASAP!

* Where: Charlestown High School, Kennedy Longfelow School or Harvard/Kent School in Charlestown (for map & directions go to
* Game Nights: You team will play once per week: on WEDNESDAY or THURSDAY nights
* Times: 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM
* 1st game: May 13th/14th
* # of Games: 10, plus playoffs
* Teams: 12-18 (Max 9 per division)
* # of players per team: 8-10 players per team
* Playoffs: Quarterfinals August 5th/6th, Semifinals August 12th/13th, Finals August 19th/20th
* Price: $1,000 per team - ALL league fees are due by the first week of the season
* Sign-up Info: Deadline is Monday, May 4th by 5:00 PM
* Sign-up options: Sign up your team by filling out the entry form at, or contact Jason Tibbetts (info below) by May 4th
* Any Questions contact Jason Tibbetts: (617) 491-8989 or: E-Mail

Spring 2009 (C) League: Mondays (Individual /Corporate/Co-ed Team Entry) – Starts May 11th

We've recently added a new twist to the C League, making it a 5v5 League and playing the games at the Charlestown High School, Kennedy Longfellow School or King School. With the recent increase in rosters, and every team having at least 8 bodies on the roster, we're looking to get more players involved. This season we've also split the league into two divisions. The East and West will both play on Monday nights!
The C league is the 5th level of 5 C.A.C. Basketball offers. This league is perfect for those who are looking to play in an organized league that is built for fun, not competitiveness. If you've never played before or want to play in a lower competitive division? The C league is good for players/teams that are looking to play at a beginner level. The teams are pretty diverse: some corporate, some free agent, some team entry, some co-ed and some over 40 teams. This league has referees, scoreboards, complete stats, write-ups of games, interviews, message boards, jerseys, awards, and more.
All players & teams are welcome to join as many leagues as they wish. You may join as an individual, where you will be put on a team with fellow "free agents", or you may submit your own team. If you do not have your own team, but want to play with a few friends just note this when you sign-up and you all will be on the same "free agent" team.

* Where: Kennedy Charlestown High School, Kennedy Longfellow School or King School (for map & directions go to
* Game Nights: You will play your games once per week on MONDAY nights.
* Times: 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, or 9:00 PM
* 1st game: May 11th
* # of Games: 10, plus playoffs
* # of Teams: 12-18 (Max 9 per division)
* # of players per team: 7-10 players per team (if entering a full team # of players is up to you)
* Playoffs: Quarterfinals August 3rd, Semifinals August 10th, Finals August 17th
* Price: Corporate/Team Entry (unlimited players) $850 per team - ALL league fees are due by the first week of the season
* Sign-up Info: Deadline is Monday, May 4th by 5:00 PM
* Sign-up options: Sign up yourself or your team by filling out a questionnaire online here or contact Commissioner Jason Tibbetts (info below) by May 4th
* Any Questions contact Jason Tibbetts: (617) 491-8989 or E-Mail

Spring 2009 (Women's) 5-5 League: Wednesday Nights (Individual or Team Entry) - Starts May 13th

This League is heading into its 4th season and the level of play is continuing to improve! Please note that this league is going to continue to play on WEDNESDAY night. The league is run just as well as all of our leagues are: Each game has two (2) referees and a scorekeeper. You get a reversible jersey, T-shirts, write-ups and stats for all games and the fee is all inclusive, there is no extra charge on a weekly basis for the refs, location, or scorekeeper! The website has all of this info as well as teams, schedules, standings, videos, message boards, pictures, and more. You may join as an individual (where you will be put on a team with fellow "free agents"), or you may submit your own team.. If you do not have your own team, but want to play with a few friends just note this when you sign-up and you all will be on the same "free agent" team.

* Where: King School in Cambridge (for map & directions go to
* Game Nights: You team will play once per week on WEDNESDAY nights
* Game Times: 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM
* 1st game: Wednesday, May 13th
* # of Games: 10, plus playoffs
* Teams: 6-9
* # of players per team: 8-10 players per team
* Playoffs: Quarterfinals August 5th, Semifinals August 12th, Finals August 19th
* Price: $1,000 per team - ALL league fees are due by the first week of the season
* Sign-up Info: Deadline is Monday, May 4th by 5:00 PM
* Sign-up options: Sign up your team by filling out the entry form at, or contact Jason Tibbetts (info below) by May 4th
* Any Questions contact Jason Tibbetts: (617) 491-8989 or: E-Mail

Leagues Played @ C.A.C. (4-4 Play - info below)
* A1 League - Monday nights @ C.A.C.
* A2 League - Wednesday nights @ C.A.C.
* B1 East League - Wednesday nights @ C.A.C.
* B1 West League - Thursday nights @ C.A.C. or Morse
* B2 East League - Tuesday nights @ C.A.C. or Morse
* B2 West League - Monday nights @ C.A.C. or Morse
* B2 North League - Thursday nights @ C.A.C. or Morse
* Women's league - Tuesday nights @ C.A.C.

Spring 2009 (A1) League: Mondays (Draft/Individual Entry) – Starts May 11th

C.A.C. Basketball is the most organized, well run, and unique collection of recreational basketball leagues in the Boston area. C.A.C. Basketball play is 4 on 4, on a 70 foot slightly smaller than regulation court. This makes for a unique game - it's faster, each player touches the ball more, and the pace of the game is quick. The (A1) league is a draft only league, which means you join individually and do not have to be on or enter a full team. If you are looking to enter a full team in the (A) division, than you can enter it into either the (A2) or (B1) league.
The (A1) league has evolved into a very competitive basketball league. Playing level: The average (A1) player played for their high school team, started for a couple of years, and was a pretty solid player. Every team in this league will have one former player that played at the collegiate level, usually division 3. The age range in this league is 22 - 40 with the average player age of 30. This league is very competitive with referees, scoreboards, complete stats, write-ups of games, interviews, message boards, jerseys, awards, trophies, and more. All players are welcome to join as many leagues as they wish - enter the (A1) league, then get a team together and play in the A2 or Charlestown 5-5 (A or B) League!

* Where: Cambridge Athletic Club (for map and directions go to
* Game Nights: You will play your games once per week: on MONDAY or SUNDAY night
* Times: 7:10, 8:00. 8:50, or 9:45 PM
* 1st Game: May 11th
* # of Games: 10, plus playoffs
* Teams: 8-12
* # of players per team: All teams will have 6 players
* Price: C.A.C. members will be charged $75, non-members charged $140 - ALL league fees are due by the first week of the season
* Playoffs: Quarterfinals August 3rd, Semifinals August 10th, Finals August 17th
* Player Selection: The (A1) League is a draft only league, meaning there's no team entry. If you want to enter a team in the (A) playing level than enter them in the A2, B1, or Charlestown 5-5 A/B league, all of which are team entry only. Anyone may join whether member or non-member. Team selection is done by designated league captains who draft players based on talent level. If you've played in the A1 for a few seasons and are interested in being a captain (the draft is held on May 4th), please E-Mail
* Sign-up Info: Deadline is Monday, May 4th by 5:00 PM.
* Sign-up options: Sign up yourself by filling out a questionnaire online here at or contact commissioner Jason Tibbetts (info below) by May 4th
* Any questions contact Jason Tibbetts: (617) 491-8989 or: E-Mail

Spring 2009 (A2) League: Wednesdays (Team Entry, Corporate Team Entry) – Starts May 13th

C.A.C. Basketball is the most organized, well run, and unique collection of recreational basketball leagues in the Boston area. C.A.C. Basketball play is 4 on 4, on a 70 foot slightly smaller than regulation court. This makes for a unique game - it's faster, each player touches the ball more, and the pace of the game is quick. The (A2) league is similar to the (A1) league with the 2 differences of: the games are played a different night and this is an "enter your own team league."
The (A2) League playing level: Very similar to the A1 league in that each team in this league usually will have one player that played at the collegiate level, usually division 3. The age range in this league is 22 – 40 with the average player age of 28. This league is very competitive with referees, scoreboards, complete stats, write-ups of games, interviews, message boards, jerseys, awards, trophies, and more. All players/teams are welcome to join as many leagues as they wish - put yourself in the (A1) league, then get a team together and play in the (B1) or Charlestown 5-5 (A or B) League!

* Where: Cambridge Athletic Club (for map and directions go to
* Game Nights: You will play your games once per week: on WEDNESDAY nights or SUNDAY night.
* Times: 5:30 PM, 6:20, 7:10, 8:00, 8:50, or 9:45 PM
* 1st game: Wednesday, May 13th
* # of Games: 10, plus playoffs
* # of Teams: 6-9
* # of players per team: All teams must have at least 6 players
* Price: $850 per team - ALL league fees are due by the first week of the season
* Playoffs: Quarterfinals August 5th, Semifinals August 12th, Finals August 19th
* Sign-up Info: Deadline is Monday, May 4th by 5:00 PM
* Sign-up options: Sign up yourself or your team by filling out a questionnaire online here at or contact Jason Tibbetts (info below) by May 4th
* Any Questions contact Jason Tibbetts: (617) 491-8989 or: E-Mail

Spring 2009 (B1) League: East Division: Wednesdays, West Division: Thursdays (Individual, Team Entry, Corporate Team Entry) - Starts May 13th/May 14th

C.A.C. Basketball is the most organized, well run, and unique collection of recreational basketball leagues in the Boston area. C.A.C. Basketball play is 4 on 4, on a 70 foot slightly smaller than regulation court. This makes for a unique game - it's faster, each player touches the ball more, and the pace of the game is quick. The B1 league is C.A.C. Basketball's most popular level of play. B1 is our "average joe basketballer" league – solid competition for the average player, but not beginner or pro level. In terms of competitive level the B1 league is the 3rd out of the 5 competitive levels. B1 has evolved into a pretty solid league, now just a notch below the A1/A2 level, which is why the B2 & C leagues were created.
The only difference of (B1) vs. (A1) is most players in this league are a notch below the talent of the (A) player. The type of player in the (B1) league has played organized basketball before, and they play regularly. B1 players range variety of age ranges from 17-year-old high school players to veteran players. Numerous (A) league players have elected to play (B1) instead of (A) because they get more shots, more playing time, more passing, and more of a team . You may join as an individual, where you will be put on a team with fellow "free agents", or you may submit your own team. If you do not have your own team, but want to play with a few friends just note this when you sign-up and you all will be on the same "free agent" team. All players/teams are welcome to join as many leagues as they wish – put yourself/your team in the (B1) league, then get a team together and play in the Charlestown 5-5 (B) League!

* Where: Cambridge Athletic Club (for map and directions go to
* Game Nights: You will play your games once per week: on WEDNESDAY (East) or THURSDAY (West) nights. One game all season may be played on a SUNDAY night.
* Times: 5:30 PM, 6:20, 7:10, 8:00, 8:50, or 9:45 PM
* 1st game: Wednesday, May 13th/Thursday May 14th
* # of Games: 10, plus playoffs
* # of Teams: 12-18 (Max 9 per division)
* # of players per team: All teams must have at least 6 players
* Price: $850 per team - ALL league fees are due by the first week of the season
* Playoffs: Quarterfinals: August 5th (East) or August 6th (West), Semifinals: August 12th (East) or August 13th (West), Finals: August 19th (East) or August 20th (West)
* Sign-up Info: Deadline is Monday, May 4th by 5:00 PM
* Sign-up options: Sign up yourself or your team by filling out a questionnaire online here at or contact Jason Tibbetts (info below) by May 4th
* Any Questions contact Jason Tibbetts: (617) 491-8989 or: E-Mail

Spring 2009 (B2) League: West Division: Mondays, East Division: Tuesdays, North Division: Thursdays (Individual, Team Entry, Corporate Team Entry) - Starts May 11th/12th/14th

C.A.C. Basketball is the most organized, well run, and unique collection of recreational basketball leagues in the Boston area. C.A.C. Basketball play is 4 on 4, on a 70 foot slightly smaller than regulation court. This makes for a unique game - it's faster, each player touches the ball more, and the pace of the game is quick. The B2 league is the 4th level of 5 C.A.C. Basketball offers. This league is perfect for those who are looking to play in a league that is not as high in basketball talent in comparison to A1, A2 & B1, but is very competitive within it's own league. The teams are pretty diverse: some corporate, free agent, team entry, co-ed and over 40 teams. All teams are made up of players who like to play basketball, get a run in, but not play as competitive as the A1, A2 or B1 leagues. If players who play in B1 are looking for another night/league to play in (B2) is it.
This league has referees, scoreboards, complete stats, write-ups of games, interviews, message boards, jerseys, awards, trophies, and more. All players & teams are welcome to join as many leagues as they wish. You may join as an individual, where you will be put on a team with fellow "free agents", or you may submit your own team. If you do not have your own team, but want to play with a few friends just note this when you sign-up and you all will be on the same "free agent" team. All players/teams are welcome to join as many leagues as they wish - put yourself/your team in the (B2) league, then get a team together and play in (B1) League or Charlestown 5-5 (B) League!

* Where: Cambridge Athletic Club or the Morse School (for map and directions go to
* Game Nights: You will play your games once per week: MONDAY (West), TUESDAY (East) night, or THURSDAY (North) night.
* Times: 5:30 PM, 6:20, 7:10, 8:00, 8:50, or 9:45 PM.
* 1st game: May 11th/12th/14th
* # of Games: 10, plus playoffs
* # of Teams: 8-12 per division
* # of players per team: All teams must have at least 6 players
* Price: $850 per team - ALL league fees are due by the first week of the season
* Playoffs: Quarterfinals: August 3rd (West), August 4th (East), or August 6th (North), Semifinals: August 10th (West), August 11th (East), or August 13th (North), Finals: August 17th (West), August 18th (East), or August 20th (North)
* Sign-up Info: Deadline is Monday, May 4th by 5:00 PM
* Sign-up options: Sign up yourself or your team by filling out a questionnaire online here at or contact Jason Tibbetts (info below) by May 4th
* Any Questions contact Jason Tibbetts: (617) 491-8989 or: E-Mail

Spring 2009 (Women's 4v4) League: Tuesday Nights (Individual Entry) – Starts May 12th

C.A.C. Basketball is the most organized, well run, and unique collection of recreational basketball leagues in the Boston area. C.A.C. Basketball play is 4 on 4, on a 70 foot slightly smaller than regulation court. This makes for a unique game - it's faster, each player touches the ball more, and the pace of the game is quick.
This will be C.A.C. Basketball's 10th Women's League.
We have recently made some fundamental changes to how the league is run. If you've played before, then you know that this is the thirdseason that the League will be played on Tuesday nights. It's also the third season that the League has gone to the Draft Format. Designated League Captains will draft players the week before the season starts to form teams. If you're interested in being a captain, please email
The league is run just as well as all of our leagues are: Each game has a referee and a scorekeeper. You get a reversible jersey, T-shirts, write-ups and stats for all games. The website has all of this info as well as teams, schedules, standings, videos, message boards, pictures, and more. If you want to get into a league where you can play with a team or a few of your friends, check out the Women’s 5v5 League. Players can play in as many leagues as they want! This league is an open women's league - all levels welcome!

* Where: Cambridge Athletic Club (for map and directions go to
* Game Nights: You will play your games once per week on TUESDAY nights.
* Times: 6:20, 7:10 PM, 8:00 PM, or 8:50 PM
* 1st game: Tuesday, May 12th
* # of Games: 10, plus playoffs
* # of Teams: 6-9
* # of players per team: 6-7 players per team
* Playoffs: Quarterfinals August 4th, Semifinals August 11th, Finals August 18th
* Price: $75 for C.A.C. members or $125 for non-members - ALL league fees are due by the first week of the season
* Player Selection: The Women's 4v4 League is a draft only league, meaning there's no team entry. If you want to enter a team in the Women's League, enter them in the Women's 5v5 League, which is team entry. Anyone may join whether member or non-member. Team selection is done by designated league captains (on May 4th) who draft players based on talent level.
* Sign-up Info: Deadline is Monday, May 4th by 5:00 PM
* Sign-up options: Sign up yourself by filling out a questionnaire online here at or contact commissioner Jason Tibbetts (info below) by May 4th
* Any Questions contact Jason Tibbetts: (617) 491-8989 or: E-Mail


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