Monday, December 10

The Curse of Super Mario Kart

So I finally dusted off the cobwebs surrounding my SuperNintendo this past weekend because laying around all day icing my ankle was getting extremely boring. Of course, the first game that I busted out was my all time favorite, Super Mario Kart. Now I don't know about you, but when I was 10, I could totally kick this game's ass. So of course, I thought it'd be no big thing to plug it back in and revel in my dominance of a 14 year old video game.

After just one play through the first race at 150CC level, I decided I needed to tone it down a bit. I was a bit rusty, and was more than a little ashamed at my 6th place finish. Nothing wrong with warming up the engines before jumping into the race. 100CC was just as embarrassing, so I did a little Wikipedia search. Apparently, KoopaTroopa isn't the way to go. Who would have guessed that Bowser is the fastest, eventually?

Pick it back up, jump back in. Getting my ass handed too me!! Apparently the key is jumping around corners, I'll be damned if I remember ever doing that. Constant spins out of control convince me that I never once have played this game. Of course, I follow through with only the most natural reaction, and toss the control across the room. Anyone who's played their fair share of games knows that it's perfectly acceptable to take out your frustrations on the control, after all, the buttons have got to be sticking. So I suck at a game I used to think I dominated. What's the next logical step that I take?? Begin drinking of course!! Nothing dulls the pain of the ankle injury like tylenol and vodka. Delish!! (As a brief aside, can we all agree that Rachel Ray should be shot and all her commercials taken off the air??)

I'll admit it, I picked the game back up and beat the 50CC level just to make myself feel good. But any higher and I suck. I'm addicted, I'm going to keep playing that much is obvious. How will I ever be as good as I remember my 10 year old self being??

So what am I going to do? I'm going to sit here and play this thing like it's 1994 all over again. In just a couple of weeks, I'm going to be just as good as the guy that put this clip together.

Obviously the music sucks, but the highlights are unreal. Needless to say I'll be studying the game tape day and night to be this good...

Mario Kart History [Wikipedia]
Mario Kart Hints and Cheats [You Tube]

1 comment:

Shannon said...

you have special needs...dont you remember that it was the one and only garrett aka sped who dominated that game when we were little? hahaha