For those that don't know, I've been appointed to C.A.C. Player Prez, which basically means I have a whole lot of time on my hands. Actually I do a lot, but it wouldn't seem like it to you. As usual, the biggest hurdle to getting me to do anything is my pure and unadulterated love of being lazy. Seriously, it tall order to motivate me to do much of anything. But I am drinking less (comparatively) so who says I can't head in the right direction? This week we've got all sports related links to throw at you. Some solid reading/info, as usual.
Pats Open as 26 Point Favorites - Since the opening of the line, it seems like it's settled at about 24.5 for most major books. That's only an NFL record. My question is, how many delusional Jets fans did it take betting on the cover for them to lower the line? I know it's going to be cold and windy in Foxboro on Sunday, but when is Belicheck letting off the accelerator. They ran 9 times against the Steelers, I'm guessing they'll call two running plays this week. Unfortunately their cheerleaders won't be dressed as such...[]
ESPN's Playoff Odds - I'm not as in love with the ESPN/SportsCenter name branding as I used to be, but this is still worth an occasional look. I say that because currently, the C's are predicted to have a 61.4% chance at this season's Larry O'Brien Trophy. Obviously, the computer only takes into account what has happened so far, and I know the Cs haven't exactly had to climb Mount Olympus in the early going, but it's nice to see them taking care of business. []
Ellsbury in Limbo - I know trade talks have cooled since the end of the Winter Meetings, but don't count on Theo being done wheeling and dealing. Here's a check into how Ellsbury is holding up after being the focal point of a blockbuster for the first time in his career. []
Kobe Now the Vet - Free Darko isn't for everyone, and most will realize this after reading just a couple posts, but yesterday's point about Kobe now needing to be the understanding Vet is a good one. Kind of like when he burst onto the scene and Shaq was the Man. []
Let's try and get a little consistency around there parts. Check back tomorrow, or late tonight, you never know when you're going to get another Drunk Post
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